Santorum on freedom

Santorum has admitted he’d consider being Romney’s running mate, in spite of the the flack he’s given the front runner. The reason, however is quite interesting:

We know their future and all of our children’s future is at stake in this election, and I don’t want to be the guy who has to sit with my granddaughter 20 years from now and tell stories about an America where people once were free. I don’t want to have that conversation.

Right, an America where there was the freedom of and freedom from religion, an America where medical decisions were between a woman and her doctor, an America where gays can openly serve in the military and at least in some states same sex couples can share in the same rights as opposite sex couples. No, I think I have something wrong here, that’s the America that Santorum is trying to destroy.

He’s talking about an America where religious conservatives are free to push their dogma in to the legislature and force it on the people.

(Via FoxNews)