Lighthouses > Churches – What Ifs, Romney Rant, & Rage

Gay Porn Scandal
Here’s the deal. I think most people had a chuckle when they heard the Roman Catholic priest, Father Martin McVeigh, put on a slide show that was, eh, not up to the high moral standards of the audience. I did too. More than a chuckle – in fact each time I shared it with another person, I usually guffawed.

Then I started rethinking this incident from other angles. What if this was not a case of revenge or a cruel joke being played on McVeigh? We can infer he is Catholic. We can also take for granted that officially, the Catholic church does not take a kind view of the LGBT community. We can further assume that some men dig pictures of other men in speedos.

From all reports, McVeigh was shaken and left the room quickly. What if the reason he left is not just because he was embarrassed in front of a crowd of parents and a couple kids, but because he outted himself as a gay man? If this were the case, it would be tragic. I say tragic because he would have been forced to live a double life for (presumably) years. We always hear of the pedophile priests that use the robes as a vehicle to get close to children. What if McVeigh used the robes to escape himself? Never able to admit to his family – or worse – himself that he is gay. I have no evidence to back this all up. But in a group that is not tolerant of the LGBT’ers, I would figure there are others in the church that would fit into the above scenario.

If McVeigh is heterosexual, good for him. But he will probably be moved to another parish. If the guy is gay, good for him but he will probably lose his job for being gay. Protip: Don’t copy your presentation onto the same thumbdrive that contains your porn stash… especially when autorun is enabled. Irish Clergy Project time, perhaps?


Scare Tactics
As Mitt Romney rolls along toward the republican nomination, he needs a new target. Forget Santorum (Gingrich who?) and focus on bigger fish. Target acquired: Obama. Now a new topic is needed… What is Mitt’s greatest weakness in the eyes of the Christian majority in the USA? His young Mormon religion that has a short guy complex. What word has the religious right shaking in their boots and moomoos? Ok, Topic found. Use a little dime store magic – a little smoke and mirrors if you will – and what do you get? Obama is creating a new secular religion. That’s sure to rattle a few cages of the religious folk out there… Mitt’s religion is way less than 200 years old, but look over here everyone! Obama and his team are making a religion out of hurting the REAL religious people. To heck with all that Obama is a Muslim crap from the last election. We need religious argument 2.0 to take Obama down. — This video is just sad and painful to watch… Naturally, I’ll share it with you! =)


Sean Faircloth
Sean made a great impression on me a few days ago. I do not believe there is a middle ground to be found with the fundamentalists of any group. Make them fight for every inch of ground. Life or death. Do not give up, do not surrender. Because they won’t, We see it happen all around us in a simple wedge strategy all the time. They get elected to a position of power and start implementing policies that should not be allowed out of the sani-can at a concert. It’s our turn. Challenge their ideas at every step. Do not let simple logical fallacies or millennia old madness be allowed at the table when you are trying to have a logical debate. Even better, get elected to those offices instead. Take away their pulpit. The religious have enough of those already.



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