Lighthouses > Churches – Monuments, Suicide, It Gets Worse

Siding With the Christians
The FFRF wrote a letter asking to remove the cross from a World War 1 memorial that was built in 1929. Quoting the FFRF web site:

Senior Staff Attorney Rebecca Market noted in FFRF’s letter that it’s illegal for the city to display “patently religious symbols and messages on city property. The website impermissibly demonstrates a preference for religion over nonreligion. The Latin cross at the fire station demonstrates Woonsocket’s preference for Christianity over other religions and nonreligion. Such government endorsements of religion runs afoul of the Establishment Clause of the United States Constitution.

“We ask that you immediately remove the cross from the Fire Station parking lot and remove the prayer and angel from the Woonsocket Fire Department website. We would also appreciate a prompt response from you in writing, informing us of the steps the city will take to resolve this matter,” Markert wrote.

Ok, I know it’s odd and all, but I am *mostly* siding with the mayor and others. This memorial has been there for over 90 years. It’s not like it was erected last year. In fact, if it was built in the last 20 years, I’d cheer the FFRF on. As far as the prayer on the town’s web site? Any 13 year old that knows HTML can remove it. By all means – cleanse the site.


Accused Molester Commits Suicide
The police over in Bartlesville, Oklahoma are investigating the suicide of Tom White, the executive director for The Voice of the Martyrs. Tom was reported missing the same day

Bartlesville Police filed a report saying White molested a 10 year old girl. The police found the body of the 64 year old man at the Bartlesville Voice of Martyrs warehouse the next day. No evidence of foul play was found. The employees found a note in White’s car that could be read as either a suicide note or saying he was going to flee.

Before he died, the Bartlesville Police were quick to request real time GPS tracking of White’s cell phone from the Washington County District Court. The police must have had really compelling evidence and figured White was either a ‘flight risk’ or would prey on another child to get the GPS authorized so quickly.

The 10 year old girl has not been identified and no information of the crime has been released to the public. Nor do I want any info to be publicized. I wish her the best. Mr. White? It’s times like this that I wish hell was real.


Bad Begets Worse
You know that friend of yours that no one likes? He tells the jokes that are in extremely poor taste. This story has the feel of one of that friend’s dirty jokes. A Catholic priest admitted on the stand that he was tied down and nearly gang raped in the seminary by fellow seminarians. He was saved by a friend – only to have that same friend abuse him twice afterward. You would sympathize with him almost instantly. Until you heard that this priest had sex with a boy in school for years. And, these are not even the charges that are being considered in the court.

All of this and many more statements are being brought against Monsignor William Lynn for child-endangerment and child rape of a 14 year old boy. Lynn was the secretary for clergy in Philadelphia from 1992 to 2004. Prosecutors say Lynn kept dangerous priest predators around children for decades. Even though the unnamed priest was told to go to counseling, he was never reported to the police. Nor was defrocked priest, Edward Avery, the priest that is currently serving time in jail for sexual assault and conspiracy – reported to the police. In fact, no abuse complaints brought to the archdiocese from 1948 through the 2005 grand jury report – were ever referred to police or prosecutors… Even though testimony was given that says Ratzinger was made aware of the situation but did nothing about it.

I think the word atrocity is justified here. I hope Lynn never leaves the prison cell he is destined to inhabit. Related note, how do we organize our own “arrest the pope” rally? Anyone have Dawkins phone number?



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