Lighthouses > Churches – Female Priests, Riots, & Peacocks

Catholic Priests – Who Are Women
Did you know there are over 100 women around the world who go against the Catholic Church and have become rogue priests? Maria Thornton McClain is the newest woman to join their ranks. The former nun who has been married for 31 years now was ordained as a deacon last year on her path to becoming a priest.

Unaware of the three off duty police officers standing outside to protect her in case of threats during her ordination, Maria stated:

According to the Roman Catholic Church, we excommunicate ourselves through ordination. I choose to disobey and break this unjust law and to change the church. It’s an honor to help people in the state of Indiana and anyone who has been marginalized to reclaim their right to develop their spiritual life and to follow God.

To join the ranks of the Roman Catholic Womenpriests (RCWP), you need to be 50 years or older and have a theology degree and some church experience. Or, if you are younger than 50, you may join if you have a masters degree in theology or divinity. Of course, all must feel a calling to preach. There are negatives in joining the RCWP. Never being allowed back into the Catholic Church for one. Possible violence is another. When Senator Palpatine Pope Benedict comments on the church’s ban on female priests, rhetorically asking, “Is disobedience a path of renewal for the church?” – he doesn’t leave room for interpitation. Greg Otolski, a spokesman for the Archdiocese of Indianapolis, had a few choice words on the subject. “He (Jesus) only chose 12 men, 12 apostles, all men. He did not choose women, and that’s an unalterable part of the faith.” When you’ve read the bible, you just cannot fault logic like that.


Doesn’t Feel So Good, Does it?
Former Archbishop of Canterbury, Lord George Carey, is speaking out against intolerance. Who is Lord Carey defending and why, you might ask? He is defending all of Christendom of course when he says Christians are being “persecuted” and “driven underground” just as homosexuals were in the past. This is where I say “Pot, meet Kettle”. Especially when Carey has helped to vilify and attack gay people in the recent past.

Then again, taking the persecuted majority route is exceptionally lame. Especially when he and his flock are not being treated unfairly. Just equally. Having majority status should only be a factor in voting. Don’t see any of that going on. Just a peacock with his tailfeathers on display.

Side note, I looked for any recent things to balance out Lord Carey’s comments, but there really is not much good coming from this old guys mouth. He is retired. To stereotype a bit, as an old British chap, shouldn’t he be out gardening in the country somewhere?


You Asshat, Mr. Jeffress
Robert Jeffress, the man who calls Mormons, cult members, is backing Mitt Romney as the lesser of two evils now. Backing a candidate based on his beliefs and not his actions is bad enough. But when you give support to a person you deem a cult member, it’s just plain bad. Then, as a pastor, give support to a candidate for any political office, you are in viloation of the law. You, Robert Jeffress, you are my asshat of the week.


Hindu Hamburger Riots
Members of the Dalit sect of Hinduism had a beef festival at their local university in Hyderabad, India. As part of the part of the Dalit sect, they are free to eat beef unlike most Hindus. About 1,500 people joined in û eating beef biriyani Sunday evening.

As the Dalits served up beef to their classmates in a peaceful protest to get beef dishes served in their campus cafeterias, the right wing student organization, Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) protested. With a vengeance. About 100 ABVP members marched toward the festival until stopped by local police. The ABVP returned, set a couple vehicles on fire and threw stones at the police. The cops retaliated with batons and tear gas to push the crowd back. The riot lasted into the early Monday morning hours.

Ever since the festival was announced, groups have said they would put a stop to it. Is this violence really necessary? Take out the over population aspect… Granted, the Dalit Hindus are very low on the caste system, but that does not mean their attackers are any more on the side of morality. Especially when such a tasty animal is involved. I’d say more, but I’m about to order a steak at Whiskey Creek Steakhouse.



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