Lighthouses > Churches – Bashir, Stiefel, Hitchens

Romney is Going to Hell
So says MSNBC host Martin Bashir during his broadcast. Martin called out Romney for lying about a trivial detail that Romney has stated a few times during his talks on Obama’s ‘jobs record’ and a couple lesser points. Martin went so far as to quote Mormon scripture – showing just how pre planned this tirade was – quoting:

Section 63 in verse 17 of the doctrine and covenants of the Mormon Church, “All liars, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie, and the whoremonger and the sorcerer, shall have their part in that lake which burneth with fire and brimstone which is the second death.”

And, the Book of Mormon to Nephi chapter two verse 34 “Woe unto the liar for he shall be thrust down to hell”.

I don’t even care what the reason is. A man on an oft watched ‘news’ station said someone would be tortured forever – during a broadcast and on purpose. Will there be a censure or a letter of reprimand in Martin’s HR career jacket? As much as I do not want Romney elected, it pains me to see Martin sink to the level of Pat Robertson to advance that goal. I don’t want to see another news station completely jump onto the FOX level of reporting.


Philanthropist Done Good – Again
Todd and Diana Stiefel are in the news again. After announcing to match funds up to 500,000$ for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society to raise a cool million for a worthwhile cause a couple months ago, Todd goes one better. Unfortunately, North Carolina has been in the news lately with Amendment 1 in an attempt to only recognize marriages between a man and woman. Luckily, Todd and Diana took a dim view of this and have again started another dollar for dollar campaign to raise a total of 200,000$ to campaign against Amendment 1.

There is only a couple weeks til this ammendment gets voted on. May 8th is coming quickly. Would you donate a C-note to a cause that could use your support?


Hitchens Remembered



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