An archive glitch and sorry to Facebook

Last night it came to my attention that a few posts didn’t make it in the original move from Blogger to the blog’s new home. To attempt correcting this I exported Blogger’s archives and attempted to import them again, mistakenly under the impression that duplicates would be skipped. Unfortunately the posts I wanted to import didn’t and there’s a few hundred duplicates now mostly in the summer and fall of 2011. So I manually added the posts that I knew were missing.

An added problem with this was that it posted a lot of extra links to Facebook. I tried to delete them, but gave up after I was getting to frustrated with the inanity of the “Timeline” and really needed to go to bed. To elaborate as to how stupid it is, I could never tell how many there were and once I thought I had gotten all of them, I’d check again and there would be more. I really hope this didn’t inconvenience anyone too bad, but Facebook has definitely gone the wrong direction with this.

Tonight, while I’m watching a little TV before I go to bed, I’ll be sorting through the archives deleting as many duplicates as I can….goddamn this is going to suck.

EDIT – Updated information in the comments so as to share it on Facebook as well.

1 Comment

  1. I noticed a pattern that made it much easier to clean up the archives and it also cleaned up the Facebook page. As far as I know I only deleted one too many posts, but I found it in the backup and posted it again. Unfortunately comments for anything I had to repost have been lost.

    Again, sorry for the inconvenience this may have caused. Please let me know of any problems you find with the site (such as broken links as was the case here) and next time I won’t be quite so hasty to try to apply a quick fix.

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