The National Museum of Natural History

I had the pleasure of visiting the National Museum of Natural History today before I left DC. I loved how they presented evolution very matter of fact, foundationally, and unapologeticly. I did happen to overhear a man with a bit of a drawl say, “Think they’re making all this up.” I hope he paid attention with at least a slightly open mind.

The Hall of Human Origins was absolutely incredible. I saw a few places, I think it was in writing and in a video, statements about how we’re all human, now look at the evidence. Everything there I saw was very well and thoughtfully put together.

After I left the museum and before I headed to the airport I visited my company’s DC office and met with high ranking member of our Government and Public Affairs department. I had a wonderful conversation with him and the second time he asked me what I was in DC for I finally told him. He expressed that he is in support of strong church/state separations and is glad that non-believers finally got their day. In fact he hopes we do it again soon.