Lighthouses > Churches – Hangover

I lay on my side in a semi natal/newborn pose in bed typing this. So far it’s the only position that does not make my brain screech something loudly across my internal chalkboard or my stomach to loll dangerously to one side like the tongue of a dog that has set in the hot sun all day.

You ask why do I feel like a side of corned beef hash with a side of refried poo? The short answer is it was my birthday last night. Actually all of the 21st. My friend Tara talked me into getting our gang of heathens together. We went to Sound Brewery to start. You know it’s gonna be a good night when your plan is to work your way along a list of bars.

Oh, but I need to rave about Sound Brewery a bit. It’s nice and light in there – making it easier to see the giant kegs (casks?) in the back. John is the bartender. A great guy that is fun to talk with but don’t sit at his tables to cry into your suds. This ain’t that kind of place. Come for great flavors to sample. Join the other 25ish people it takes to fill the tables in Sound’s tasting area.

I started with a couple of the aptly named Monk’s Indiscretion, a dark Belgium that is 10% ABV. It really is scary how easily that goes down. Damn tasty. Even saw a couple pudgy guys that would have looked right at home in any monastery drinking them. Next came the O’Regan’s Revenge. An Irish Red that is much lighter in color and flavor. Not my style, I found out. Back to the Monks! Finished off the night at Sound with Entendez Noel, a Mother Of All Tripels (MOAT). A strong Belgian ale sitting about 11.5% alcohol, yet is extremely tasty. I could have drank that til I passed out. Maybe I did for a minute… Not sure.

Off to Helter Skelter! A club I know nothing about first hand, but have heard good things. As we discuss the important questions in Sound’s parking lot – who is sober, who knows where the club is at, who is lead driver, etc – we ended up changing direction and headed to Jonathan’s house. We did this for a few good reasons. He is funny and keeps it interesting, he has never offered to host a party so it was about time, and prolly most importantly, his liquor is free.

Jonathan is a man that has a taste for great beer. Not so much for scotch. He brought out a bottle of expensive bottle of scotch – Laphroaig as I recall. The adjective he kept using to describe it was “peaty”. Peat. Full of peat. The son of Peat. The Bride of Peat. Oh to say it has a strong peat flavor is to say James Earl Jones has only an acceptable speaking voice.

Thankfully, the strong beers came back to wash the taste of old campfire out of my mouth. All in all, a fun night! Think I’ll go take a long shower now. Maybe a 1000mg of motrin too.


It Ain’t Easy Being Green
I’m a pretty simple guy when it comes to the things I like – It’s my wish to share with torment you with another song that I love. =)


I hope to see each and every one of you at the Northwest Free-thought Convention close to Seattle, Washington in a week!


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