I’m in the paper!

They say that any press is good press, but wouldn’t good press be even better? Susan Harrington and I spoke at Boise State University last Thursday and a reporter from the campus’ student newspaper was present, interviewed each of us and we’re in the paper!

On Thursday night Boise State University Secular Student Alliance (BSUSSA) hosted the event, Beware the Ides of March: Stories of Life and Change. Susan Harrington and Dustin Williams, both key note speakers shared their life experiences of religion and atheism, an absence of belief in the existence of a god or gods.

You can read the rest of the article at the Arbiter Online where we’re currently the top breaking news story, although that’s probably just because the most recently published


  1. I read the article and at the risk of irritatating you I have to say I still believe you were a gift from God, I was there. You even turned out annoyingly smart 😉

  2. That’s based on the limited data available at the time, but based on the last 30 years of data my existence isn’t much less probable than anybody else’s.

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