Come say hello

If you’re a reader here and you’re going to be at one of the events I’ll be at in the next week and a half come say hello. Sure, finding one person out of upcoming crowd of 30,000 – 50,000 (according to current NPS estimates) at the Reason Rally would be quite difficult, especially considering the fact that I fit a very generic description since I’m a 6’1″ tall white male with brown hair and a fairly average build. But, don’t despair, download the Reason Rally Android or iPhone app and friend me (code 796-650) and you’ll be able to easily contact me at the Rally.

I’ll be easier to find in the crowd of several hundred at the American Atheists and Northwest Freethought Association conferences (especially the later one since I am speaking). If you’re at one of those say hello since it’s always a blast to get to meet people who know me so…uh…well, you get the idea.

1 Comment

  1. Just look for a shock of red hair… =)

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