Ways to follow the blog

If your the type that just types in the address or clicks on a bookmark when you want to visit the blog and you want a way to find out when there’s a new post available, then at the top of the sidebar there’s links that allow you to subscribe to the RSS feed, follow me on Twitter, or like the blog on Facebook.* Whichever one you choose will get notices of new blog posts right in the center of you digital life within minutes of the time it they go live.

The plugin I got for Facebook is really pretty cool. Comments on the blog show up on the Facebook link and comments on Facebook are copied back to the blog. That way if a conversation is going on, you won’t miss it either place.

You also don’t want to forget the handy buttons on the bottom of each blog post that allow you to share it with your friends, followers, and anybody else on your social network of choice. If you liked an article here, odds are pretty good that they will too.

*Google+ coming soon.