Transparent relocation – I hope

I am working on making the blog relocation as transparent as possible. However, here are a few possible hickups:

  • All posts from Friday through Monday, the time frame where DNS servers around the internet should be updating their name server entries to point to the new location will be posted on Blogger and in WordPress. As a result, if you are accessing the site through a bookmark or by a URL you should see the new site and know you have by seeing a new theme. If you get an error wait an hour and try again, if it persists email me at [email protected] 
  • I am working with Feedburner to make it as smooth as possible, but to do so I will have to make sure I make the switch in Feedburner when it’s DNS has the updated entry. That will be sometime from Saturday – Monday. If it works you will see 10 new posts in your feed reader most of which you would have already read. If you do not see a new post on Sunday or Monday or have not seen the annoying 10 new posts by Monday, then you will need to visit and resubscribe. Based on my research this should be unnecessary, but I want to put out this warning just to be on the safe side.
In summary, the entire process should be transparent to the readers, but no guarantees.