February 2012

I am still leaving Blogger as I cannot support even localized censoring of content. Tonight (Wednesday) – Finish selection of hosting provider and register for service. Create WordPress.org* blog. Install […]

The Ides of March was the middle of the month, March 15, on the Roman calendar. It is most famous in history for being the day that Julius Caesar was […]

The Idaho state House of Representatives has just introduced HB 530 which would allow any and all employers to not cover birth control in their health insurance plans. This is […]

I know I’ve said some less than kind things about my friend Mike…but after watching this, I have to say, he is nothing short of a goddamn evil genius!

It’s always interesting to see the things geeks do for love. For example two years ago Tom Whyntie from CERN combined data from an early colision at the LHC and […]

As today is Darwin Day I would be remiss if I didn’t say something about that. Charles Darwin put for the theory gave us the basic framework by which all […]