February 2012

There’s a meme going around with people putting together pictures of how people of different groups. I’ve seen a few for atheists, but I think this one that I came […]

The United State’s Founding Fathers lived in a world where the horrors of religiously founded states were in quite recent memory. They had local examples like the Puritan history in […]

Afghans around Bagram air base are going nuts right now after a number of copies of the Koran were mistakenly sent to the incinerator. Once several locals who were working […]

Here’s an awesome little quote from Caprica, Season 1, Episode 5: Dr. Amanda Graystone: “What do you think you’re going to find here?” Agent: “I really don’t know. Maybe who […]

You may be wondering about the context for last Saturday’s one liner, well, it was from an email exchange with a friend from college about determinism, belief, and ethics. After […]