More fun at the Reason Rally

As if the Reason Rally wasn’t awesome enough already with an awesome line up of speakers, both Tim Minchin and Bad Religion performing, and a godless horde taking to the National Mall, now we’ll have even more entertainment. A group of evangelicals will be coming to spread their myths and legends to a group of atheists and skeptics.

Come join us there! We invite you to unite with us in a spirit of grace and truth (John 1:14, 1:18), ready to speak the truth in love (Eph. 4:15), with godly grace and wisdom (Col. 4:6).

This is not a counter-demonstration. We are going there to share Christ person to person as opportunity arises. We will not raise our voices. We will talk with those who want to talk with us. We will offer gifts and materials to all, but we will not press ourselves on those who do not wish to converse. Knowing that the way others may choose to gather near us is not entirely in our control, we will nevertheless attempt to avoid gathering groups larger than a handful of people.

I just might have to have a little fun with them. Oh…this should be fun.

(via Ophelia via Pharyngula)