Lighthouses > Churches – Videos, Bills, and Boards

If I Did Not Show This Essay, I Would be Remiss

In this video essay, Bill Moyers addresses the question of how to honor religious liberty without it becoming the liberty to impose on others moral beliefs they don’t share. The recent debate over contraception coverage in Catholic hospitals and other faith-based institutions brought this question to the forefront, but then something surprising happened – a reasonable, practical, and equitable solution from President Obama that took the political steam out of what some saw as a holy war.

That’s all that needs to be said. We need a thousand million more like him speaking out on this subject. Silence equals consent in this case. Please don’t allow a few men dictate what is right for our nation. And, if by some miracle you are not about to commit ritual suicide from all the coverage that this has generated recently then here is even more. In an article that is good for a chuckle, some GOP’ers, like Huckabee, were supporting contraception at the state level for everyone except churches in the past – just like Obama.

Congratulations New Hampshire
A step in the right direction for the NH House Education Committee! They dismissed two bills that were intended to force a faux-science curriculum on teachers. Many people and groups spoke against the bills, but from what I’ve found, only the Discovery Institute spoke on behalf of either of the bills. And, in the “Coolest Kid of the Year” category comes ten year old Jackson Hinkle from Nashua, NH. As part of his speech to the committee, he said,

It would be a blow to our educational system, which is already in a bad state. “If evolution was not presented in the scientific sense, but rather the colloquial, people would be denied modern scientific information, which would be disastrous for society. “I fear that students not educated in scientific methodology would end up with less skilled jobs which would potentially cause them to overuse credit cards and go into debt and in a worst case scenario, live a life of poverty.

This kid has a great head on his shoulders. Hey, Jackson, keep your chin up, little dude.

A Salute to the AAH
Instead of writing about the idiotic commentary I’ve found in articles, I am going to ignore them.  I’d rather concentrate on the message they contain.  The transit system signs and billboards that the African American Humanist groups are unveiling around some cities are a great way to spread the word and build community.  To everyone in the AAH, great signs!


I hope to see each and every one of you at the Northwest Free-thought Convention close to Seattle, Washington in a little over a month!


Feel free to email me or add me on Google+


  1. Moyers put it well. Thanks for sharing that.

    1. “Tolerance” just does not exist. It is an invented word used to ealvnse Christians to political correctness. It accuses us of being narrow minded, bigoted, racists. It’s purpose is only to destroy, and those who weild it have no intention of practicing it. I wish Christians and non-Christians could be tolerant of one another, but sadly, it does not yet seem possible.

  2. Tyler, I wish it was possible, but it isn’t. Ever see those bumper stickers that spell out coexist using religious symbols? I used to chuckle – now I just shake my head in pity.

    When it comes to saving a person’s soul, each group has the “right way” to do it. The right way to worship. hell, the right name for god… all of those things are incompatible with the doctrine of other beliefs.

    I hope we can get to a point where religious people understand its just a story… that means come from society and not from religion. Only then will we start to see them be more welcoming – or at least act less mean to others.

    Thanks for the feedback!

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