Lighthouses > Churches – Gay rights, advertising standards, and scientology

One Step Forward…
Take another step back. As the ink dries in Washington State to allow same sex marriage, Virginia rears it’s head to allow wide spread discrimination. Delegate C. Todd Gilbert sponsored the bill to keep children out of the hands of gay parents and protect the freedom for adoption agencies to. It passed easily and without debate. Republican Senator Jeffrey McWaters sponsored another bill to convert the regulations put in place by Todd’s bill into state law to keep future administrations from changing it… Not that it would happen any time soon since Governor Bob McDonnell already made it known that he will sign it when the bill comes across his desk.

Luckily, there is a small voice of reason as Senator Mark R. Herring tells it like it is, saying, “What this bill is designed to do is allow any agency to discriminate based on sexual orientation.”

North Dakota is the only other state with a similar law on the books. Now, I don’t know about you, but when I think of a beacon of enlightenment, ND is not the bastion of hope that usually springs to mind first. If only we could get along. If only.

What’s in a Word?
Across the pond in England, the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) won a victory against the church group Healing on the Streets (HOTS). It turns out Haley Stevens – of Righteous Indignation podcast fame – brought HOTS to the attention of the ASA because of the claims the group made. She was quite concerned after finding out the group claimed to have the ability to pray away many serious medical conditions, like cancer and drug adiction, on any street corner.

HOTS will appeal the decision but the ASA is perfectly within their rights to make the group not give false hope to the sick. The placebo effect of prayer could lead people that have a dire need for medical attention to turn away from doctors.

Thanks to Haley for having the bollocks to bring things like this to the attention of the ASA. Keeping the homeopath healers and the prayer healers in check despite the legion of the asshats on the interwebs. And, HOTS, if you want my support, then get into the labs to prove your prayers can regenerate an amputated arm.

Congrats France!
Thank you for putting a smile on my face and a frown on David Miscavige‘s face. As the leader of Scientology, I am sure he was pissed to hear his religion was again ruled a fraud in France.

Belgium and Germany already label Scientology as a cult or sect and enacting laws to restrict its operations. France also considers Scientology a sect. USA, it’s time to put this rotten attempt at making money to bed. Next thing you know, every sci-fi book or movie will have a special religious exemption of some sort. We don’t need Jedi listed as a world religion. (I’m looking at YOU, AUSTRAILIA!)

Ink Injection
Sittin’ here with my laptop balancing on one leg – typing one handed – and the other arm getting stabbed thousands (millions?) of times over 4+ hours of tattooing. Pictures coming Thursday just in case my skin starts to leak plasma. =)

I hope to see each and every one of you at the Northwest Free-thought Convention close to Seattle, Washington in a couple months!


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