Corrigan Brothers And Pete Creighton… The Neutrino Song

Tomorrow’s blog post will be a very special one. Like today’s it will be a little on the late side. It’s been a few long days at work and I have to work very early in the morning (5:30 am), but I’ll be off by 1:00 or 2:00 pm, I’ll chug down some energy drinks, or coffee, or beer, or something to get the creative juices going and due the topic justice. It’s just that the number is very near and dear to my heart.


  1. Don't you love working on Saturday and not having to feel guilty or sneak around?

  2. I do enjoy that, although I wasn't much of a Sabbath breaker back in the day. Now it's different, I usually have a bacon cheeseburger for lunch if I'm working….

    Oh and I've decided to push back today's "special" blog post to tomorrow.

  3. I was always a Sabbath breaker.  It was a constant source of contention between my mom and me.  My sister and I would switch back and forth between being a lookout and playing a computer game.  I really never felt guilty about it though.

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