The end of days

Nakedpastor recently wrote:

I like Karl Barth’s idea that the last day was the removing of the veil which separates us from perceiving the Reality that is already there. On that day we will finally see things as they really are.

If Barth is right, then my last day was July 16, 2007…oh wait, no that was just the day I left religion, superstition, and delusion. That was the day I finally embraced seeing the world the way it was. Of course in the minds of many believers I’m sure they would think that was my last day worth living.Of course seeing the world for what it is isn’t a singular moment, at least not for most people. It’s a long process where the haze of delusion gradually fades, much like how a thick fog gradually fades. The singular moment is when you finally accept that the reality you see is actually reality and the reality you had hoped for was anything but real. It can be one of the most liberating moments a person can experience and in the end it makes life so much more meaningful.