Lighthouses > Churches – Priests, exorcists, and politicians

Snow does bad things to local drivers. I’ve been without power/internet (but not heat) for a couple days.

Another Day, Another…
Sometimes I think I am hard on the Catholics. Then my Google Alerts for the day arrive and I see another horrendous news article. Today this 46 year old priest that is only half named Andreas L for the media just got charged with 280 counts of child abuse. Two hundred and eighty counts of abuse against 3 boys ranging in age from 9 to 15. Over 2,800 images of child porn including pictures of the 3 boys he is accused of abusing then buying their silence with expensive things. Michael Lukas, the spokesman for the Hildesheim diocese, says the priest’s actions were “a catastrophe for the victims and for the Catholic church.” The last five words of his quote display the hubris of the catholic church.

It was never my impression that the children did not consent. ~Andreas L

When the prosecutor asked if he (Andreas) thought himself a pedophile, he replied, “It would be wrong to say No but to say Yes would also fall short of the truth.” If ever there was a time to suck it up and take it like a man (that is going to be taking it like a wimp in prison soon enough), this is it. Andreas seems to be concentrated evil – so much so that he doesn’t even see a moral dilemma. In fact, it’s times like this that I wish hell was real. I might have a brain hemorrhage if he tries some sort of insanity plea.

The Christian Helen Ukpabio
This is a name everyone should be familiar with. Helen’s many churches around Western Africa have brain washed parents into thinking their crying children are demons that need to be killed or exorcised for a lot of money. She preaches that witchcraft and mermaids are real and there is literally a war going on between Satan and our world. In her book – that should be on every shelf next to Dr. Spock’s – titled Unveiling The Mysteries of Witchcraft, Helen says:

If a child under the age of two screams in the night, cries and is always feverish with deteriorating health he or she is a servant of Satan

Sounds like malaria or malnutrition to me. I bring this repugnant woman up because she is importing her crazy to America and the UK. We need people in Texas that are willing to protest Helen and her church members when they visit like like-minded people at the Glorious Praise Ministries in Houston, Texas on March 14th and 15th and May 13th-16th. We also need people world-wide to make a stink. Put pressure on everyone that is anyone. Anyone that gets whole towns to stone homeless children deserves our scorn.

Jessica Ahlquist Update
I need to add onto Dustin’s post a couple days ago… Rhode Island State Representative Peter Palumbo (50) earned himself the title Asshat of the Week when he verbally attacked Jessica Ahlquist (16) on a local radio station, The John DePetro Radio Show on Newstalk 630 WPRO AND 99.7 FM. (Download the MP3 of the show here) He felt the need to call a nice teenage lady an “evil little thing” and later called her a pawn – “being trained to be that way”. Palumbo and the announcer, John DePetro, are quite rude and never let you forget what side they feel is right. With such bile for a young person on display, it’s sad that a middle aged man has such hate for a young person who has never harmed him.

Palumbo says that the prayer is harmless and nondenominational… Good for Christians, Jews, Muslims… “Anyone who believes in a higher power, our father, our god”. According to Palumbo, taking down this prayer banner from inside of that school is “crucifying Jesus again” and he wants to take this case to a higher court.

I’ll be a very sad panda if this lovely man is burdened with his job a second longer than need be. For your info only, I will leave this here in case you feel like applying a little heat to his feet. Palumbo’s email address is [email protected]. His office phone number is (401) 785-2882. And, right off of his official RI state biography, 67 Kearney Street, Cranston, RI 02920

I hope to see each and every one of you at the Northwest Free-thought Convention in Seattle, Washington in a couple months!


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