Lighthouses > Churches – Homeopathic nanotech, ancient Nazi prophecies, and more!

Homeopathy? It’s NANOTECHNOLOGY!
A college professor and his student from IIT Powai in Mumbai, India think they have found evidence in this video that proves homeopathy:


 The team bought various homeopathic pills from local stores and scanned the substance under an electron microscope. The television news segment places great importance in the the teams ability to identify the original compound in the scans. Even if these two guys found a particle of the original substance in the scanned ultra dilute tincher, that proves nothing to the validity of homeopathy actually working. The one thing it does suggest to me is that the pills were not prepared and diluted correctly if you can find a molecule of the original “medicinal substance” in any ultra diluted bottle of sugar pills.

Curiously, I do not understand the jump from finding a needle (particle) in a hay stack to that particle working on the “principals of nanotechnology” or anything relating to nonotechnology being a method of healing. As for the publication of the paper that caused all this brouhaha, check out the write up PZ did about the respectable journal Elsevier. A facepalm is in order.

Ancient Nazi Prophecies Doom
The Pope is at it again. Yes, he is the head of the catholic church, but this man should not be allowed to hold audience for all of these diplomats. I found two quotes that are particularly hurtful and insulting.

I am convinced that legislative measures which not only permit but at times even promote abortion for reasons of convenience or for questionable medical motives compromise the education of young people in respect for life and hope for the future, which in turn compromises the future of humanity.

Is it just me or did Ratzinger just say that lax legislation will corrupt women to the point of having so many abortions that it will collapse society and all of humanity will die? Yes? Ok, just checking.

Pride of place goes to the family, based on the marriage of a man and a woman. This is not a simple social convention. The family is the basic structure of society and policies which undermine the family threaten human dignity and the future of humanity itself.

THERE IT IS! Camping Ratzinger just said the end of the world is coming… again. This time via any family that does not begin and end with one man and one woman. Gay couples? Out. Vegas? Out. Anything that comes from the San Pornando Valley? Definitely out. The catholic church continues to show how out of touch they are with the world. If you are still donating / tithing to the Catholics or any other religious groups because you think they still do more harm than good, might I suggest letting them know how you feel by giving that time and money to more worthwhile groups.

A Glimmer of Hope in the Desert
Members of the ultra orthodox Jewish sect, Haredim, have been truly horrible to women. These guys have been getting a lot of press in the town of Beit Shemesh for spitting on women, attacking female members of the Israeli army like Doron Matalon for not sitting in the back of the bus, throwing scat on little girls, and riot by the hundreds – throwing stones at busses and police.

Throughout all of this, the women of Beit Shemesh have not gone The Burning Bed on the men; which is amazing to me. Even more heartening are the guts it took the women to flash mob a dance number to Queen’s “Don’t Stop Me Now” in the very same area to peacefully protest. Just had a thought. Can we get the women relocated to a safe area and put a large dome over the city to contain the infection?

No New Trial for Priest
Waaaay back in 1980, Rev. Gerald Robinson, a roman catholic priest, killed Sister Margaret Ann Pahl. Even though police found the murder weapon a couple weeks after the crime in Gerald’s desk no less, it took 24 years for him to get charged. He is 73 now and serving a 15 year sentence. The church passed judgment also; saying Gerald is no longer able to minister but they graciously allowed him to continue being a priest after getting convicted of killing a nun in their church!

After serving 5 years of his sentence, Gerald tried to get a retrial saying a mysterious black man – that matches the description a now dead serial killer – was seen around the hospital chapel when Pahl was killed. Judge Gene Zmuda was happy to put the kibosh on the retrial stating there was overwhelming evidence presented before and nothing substantial had been shown to warrant another. As for the church, seriously, what do you have to do to get defrocked?

I hope to see each and every one of you at the Northwest Free-thought Convention in Seattle, Washington in a couple months!


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