Happy Sabbath! For today’s scripture reading let’s turn to Exodus 3:1-5a, this passage has a good kernel of truth to it. Now Moses was keeping the flock of his father-in-law, […]

I’m sure by now many of you have heard about the US House’s Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and the US Senate’s Protect IP Act. They are backed by the […]

There’s a fine line between many of the different moral philosophies. When it comes down to it just about everyone is a moral relativist in one way or another. Any […]

This is short and late, but in my defense I’ve been busy and I’m sick. Damn cold. The smallpox vaccine, which uses the virus Vaccinia, in a live form, has […]

I had my first round of allergy shots on Friday and the nurse explained to me how it works. Due to how many allergies I have there are two sets […]

One moral issue I want to address is your behavior while assuming certain labels and memberships. For example, a rapist should not claim to be a Humanist, but I would […]

Anybody who has ever worked in IT or had to call someone in computer support will get a kick out of this. Some of the pretty standard responses I remember […]

One of the callers on this week’s Savage Lovecast was asking about whether or not legalizing same sex marriage could threaten the tax exempt status of churches who refuse to […]