Dr. Darrel Ray, author of the God Virus is working on a new book on sex, to assist with his research he’s doing a survey. This is a short survey […]

Homeopathy is not the only form of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM). It can also take the form of naturopathy, Eastern medicine, and chiropractic. As far as that last one […]

As I pointed out a few months ago, despite being straight and free of physical abnormalities I was bullied through much of school, in fact it lasted from third grade […]

“My observation on minorities: A man/nation is judged by how they support those weaker than them not how they lean on those stronger.” Salman TaseerDecember 24, 2010 That’s a great […]

So far on this blog I have focused mostly on religion, but for the next few weeks we’ll be expanding out into the realm of pseudoscience, woo, bunk, and other […]

Would anybody be interested in a live discussion on Skype? If so I’ll be online this Thursday 01/13/11 from 8:00 – 9:00 pm MST for about an hour. My Skype […]