Lighthouses > Churches: Pakistan, Catholics, Homeopathy, and Fox Buesiness

**It’s time for this week’s edition of Wesley’s Lighthouses > Churches (read as either Lighthouses are greater than Churches or Lighthouses, redirect output into churches, i.e. shine a bright light on them).**

Future of Education?
Pakistan is combining religious schools and drug rehab… I’m digging it! I think Pakistan is riding the crest of forward thinking education techniques… Seriously though… It’s hard to find a story out there that doesn’t make me shake my head in disgust.

Latino Catholic Bishops Try to Help Illegal Immigrants
I’ve been wondering if the Latino catholic bishops have taken up the illegals’ cause because so many of the illegals entering our country are catholic themselves. The group named Federation for Immigration Reform wants the Bishops to keep their noses out of it…If anyone is reading my post, I would honestly like feedback on this with information from both sides.

Step Away From the Duck!
A quick history of what homeopathy and oscillococcinum is by Dr. Joe Schwarcz… If you enjoy knowing a duck was killed and you could not even eat a molecule of it, then you might be asking what’s the harm? If that’s the case, then read this… Once you get that far, you better be wanting to go feed the ducks your old bread at the nearest park. Also, you might as well sign up for any future 1023 campaigns

Dan Barker Pulled a David Silverman?
I find it hard to believe that Dan could be mean. Oh, wait, he wasn’t. I’m really warming up to the idea that Fox is complete POE. That or else SWEEPS WEEK/promotion time is here. You sir, Eric Bolling, are an ass as best as I can tell. Dan Barker is one of the nicest guys on either side of the debate.

How many chances should we give them?
Throughout my life, I have taken the “Forgive but never forget” stance when people do wrong by me. But, I was never molested. Matthew McCormick and numerous others were molested when they were children by a catholic reverend named Alvin Campbell. The Bishop Paprocki, at Matthew’s local church, held a ceremony as an apology for abuse in the past to “…cleanse our historical conscience”.

After the ceremony, Matthew accepted the apology from Paprocki for his predecessors actions. However, Matthew does not feel the catholic church is taking responsibility for what happened. Even though Campbell served 14 years and died 3 years after he left prison in 2002, he was never defrocked. In 1989, 4 years after Campbell’s conviction, Cardinal Ratzinger (the current pope) wrote a letter stating he was not willing to remove the priest from the catholic church unless Campbell agreed to it. For this reason, Matthew wants Ratzinger to resign his post as pope. I’m in complete agreement.

I hope to see each and every one of you at the Northwest Free-thought Convention in Seattle, Washington next year!

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1 Comment

  1. A priest takes an oath the follow the path of Jesus but then they go and moleste kids, so what they are saying that's what Jesus would do? If you can't trust a priest then who can you trust?

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