Hittchens has died

The amazing and articulate Christopher Hitchens has died today at the age of 62 from complications of pnumonia after a long battle with cancer. I just found out while out drinking with a group of local atheists so we are sharing a round of Johnny Walker in his honor.


  1. Raise one for me.

  2. He was a smart man. I won't pretend that I agreed with everything he said (in fact many of the things he said during the last 6 or so years of his life disappointed me greatly), but he at least spoke his mind and did what he could to get his message across. You can't help but respect a person who has bothered to really think through problems and issues and come to a well-formed opinion, even if it is an opinion you don't necessarily agree with.

    He'll be missed. A lot of people loved his writings.

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