Don’t forget the reason for the season

Oh, you thought it was Jesus? Nope, it’s just the fact that it’s really dark. More on this tomorrow.


  1. Hi DW!  Nice graphic of the reason for the season!  For quite a while me and mine have sent out a Happy Winter Solstice! or Happy New Year Card.  I start to feel better after the solstice.  It's very gray and rainy in Puget Sound but once I know the days are starting to get longer, I start to feel better.  Also, xmas is kind of a drag for me and I feel better once it is over.
    Cheers.  Nice Blog.  dl

  2. I've found Christmas is a lot better when you keep up your holiday spirits level (pun intended), but it's also great here in Boise since this was the first cloudy day in something like three weeks.

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