When religious liberty crosses the line

The Dutch may ban halal and kosher methods of slaughter soon. It’s being billed as an animal welfare issue. Stunning is a much more humane method of slaughter when compared with very ancient methods. I’ve brought up this topic before and suggested that if they can’t humanely slaughter animals then they should just become vegetarians.

Religious liberty is one thing, but the line is crossed when your liberty infringes on the rights of others or causes needless suffering. It’s no different than it would be if a group needs to sacrifice a live animal though methods such as tying the live animal to a board and throwing it in a fire or sacrificing children. Similar issues are Catholic hospitals refusing routine and life saving medical treatments and children dying because their parents adhere to faith healing.

There’s an old saying that my freedom ends at the end of your nose and it’s a good one. If you reject medical care, think abortion is wrong, or take issue with contraceptives and you’re an adult capable of providing informed consent then its your right to refuse those. But your religion does not give you the right to cause the suffering of others, including animals.

If you have to make animals suffer to eat meat while satisfying your religion, then you shouldn’t eat meat. If your religious views get in the way of doing your job, then you should find a new line of work. If your religion causes the suffering and/or death of innocent children then your shouldn’t have children.

Liberty of all kinds are good, but there is a line that should not be crossed.

Back to the original topic here, Dutch Jews are finding this reminiscent of Hitler’s ban of kosher. The big difference here is that Hitler did it to cause suffering, the Dutch now are doing it to prevent suffering.

(Via RD.net)


  1. http://www.grandin.com/ritual/slaughter.without.stunning.causes.pain.html  there may be some nuances involved which don't make this quite as black-and-white as halal/kosher vs. stunning but this research does mostly bear out that stunning is more humane, though i saw some conflicting research done where when the wound was held open and a longer sharper knife was used, there was much less pain experienced according to eeg.

  2. same person, adding one more link, also from Dr. Temple Grandin (noted for extensive work to make slaughter handling and dispatch more humane).  http://www.grandin.com/ritual/slaughter.without.stunning.causes.pain.html

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