Morality and Labels

One moral issue I want to address is your behavior while assuming certain labels and memberships. For example, a rapist should not claim to be a Humanist, but I would have no problem with a prostitute using that label.

If you identify with a certain philosophy or group, then you should do your best to live up to the standards that come with that identification. While somebody who smokes and drinks is my kind of person, that only goes as far as those who don’t identify with a standard that would condemn that behavior.

I know quite a few “Jack Mormons” here locally. I also know some lapsed Adventists. I also know ex-Mormons and I am and ex-Adventists. What’s the difference? Well, a Jack Mormon, lapsed Adventist, or lapsed anything else is someone who still identifies with that group and believes their right, they just don’t live up to their own standards. They are people who would condemn themselves.

So if you’re an Adventist or Mormon who fornicates, drinks, or smokes then you are a bad person. If you’re a Catholic and on birth control, then you are a bad person. If on the other hand, you don’t believe in the teachings of your church, then why do you still identify with them?

It’s quite easy to stop being a bad person, either drop the obvious inaccurate label or change your behavior to be inline with the standards that come with that label. Either way you can be an ethic person, of course you’ll probably have a better life if you drop the label and just live your life.