1 Comment

  1. I’m impressed that FoFDallas & Alix Jules gave sapkeing-slots on this video to theists ~ something rarely seen on believer’ videos. Perhaps there’s enough unused footage for a part II? I would like to hear more from the faces-in-the-crowd rather than the notables’, whose views are readily available any day of the week.The question: Is it right for a non-theist to give thanks? If yes, what are you thankful for this year? Well yes it is ~ though of course as an atheist I must identify clearly who I’m thankingThis year I would like to thank my friends for putting up with me [same as last year & every year before that] Any easier question is what are you most glad for & my answer is still friends. Medicine, technological doodads & the free time available to us in this First World wonderland are definitely the icing on the cake, but you can’t beat sitting around a fire with friends ~ breaking bread.

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