Imagine no religion

I have now been imagining no religion…or at least dreaming of it for 500 blog posts. Who would have thought I could pull that off?


  1. Seems to me like religion acts as a sort of magnifying glass, sort of intensifying whatever personality traits and character as person already has.  Like Clifford Goldstein, who was a militant, black-and-white atheist, and is now a militant black-and-white Adventist.  People who are bossy become bossier (they now have God to back them up), people who feel inadequate now can point more fingers at themselves, people who want to have power over others have a reason to put down the lesser (women, children, minorities), etc. 

    On another note, I remember you from Walla Walla as a rather intensely right-wing Republican/Christian.  How's the party of "family values" working out for you with the atheism?  😉

  2. Yes, it is amazing how that works. What's even more interesting is how "God" always seems to have the same attitudes and predudices of each individual believer. It sure seems to be a lot less like the believer is trying to be more like their god and more like they're trying to make their god more like them.

    As far as my political views, I am now an independent and surprisingly moderate.

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