The End of an Era

When you think about geo-political, national, patriotic, and other era defining events, programs, and campaigns, there is only one that, at least until now spans my entire life.

The Berlin Wall was torn down when I was 5 and I only remember that because I was allowed to stay up past my bedtime to finish watching the TV shows the news report had interrupted. The Soviet Union dissolved when I was 7, but I don’t remember it. September 11 happened when I was 17 and the War on Terror has spanned my entire adult life. The only thing that has spanned my entire life is the Space Shuttle program, but that’s about to change.

The final launch of Atlantis, the final launch of any Space Shuttle, is tomorrow.

The Shuttle has been a source of national pride. It has given the US unprecedented control of space. But we will soon, for the first time in 50 years be without a manned space program. Tomorrow will be a sad day and Atlantis’ return will be even sadder.

Considering that we’re still in the middle of a recession, the Federal Government is on the verge of bankruptcy, and we’re in the middle of three or so wars, it’ll be quite a while before a replacement is developed and delivered. Let’s just hope it doesn’t take too terribly long.