Christian apologist and Anglican priest John R.W. Stott passed has passed away at the age of 90. This may seem odd that I would even care, but his book, The Cross of Christ was critical in my own journey.
Allow me to explain. During my stint in the seminary I delved into apologetics, sure I had hoped that I would some day be able to convert the secular masses, but first I had to convert myself. Each time I read books such as Stott’s, R.C. Sproul’s Faith Alone, C.S. Lewis’s Mere Christianity
, and E.G. White’s Steps to Christ
, it didn’t convince me that Christianity was right, it further confirmed my growing suspicion that it was all fantasy.
So Stott, known more for his effect on Evangelicals, was an important figure in helping free me from Christianity.
Orson Scott Card had a similar effect on me.
Ellen White has a chapter in Steps to Christ about the revelation of God in nature. I study the natural world and saw nothing that revealed God. From natures predators to parasites to fungus breaking down organic matter and recycleing of nutrients, these things were the opposite of the God she described.
The last time I read Steps to Christ was in the seminary and I highlighted everything that rubbed me wrong (illogical, unethical, unconvincing, etc). At least 30% of the book was highlighted by the time I was finished and the rest was just filler.