Michael Shermer on the Colbert Report

I’ll be honest, I haven’t watched this yet, but when I saw the email with my Hulu Que update I just had to jump on the opportunity. Don’t worry, I will watch it as soon as I get the chance, but I’m only home for a few minutes before I go to the monthly “Meet an Atheist” event at a local bar.

From the summery I’m guessing that Shermer is talking about his new book, The Believing Brain, which I am still reading. It’s a great book, I’ve enjoyed every page I’ve read so far, I just haven’t had the time to finish it and write a review. Anyway, check out the interview and buy the book:

UPDATE – So I had the time to watch it before heading to the bar. I’m not surprised that it was everything I had hoped for. Shermer did a great job and Colbert was surprisingly charitable for a Catholic.