Tuesday Science Video – Evolution vs Creationism: Phylogeny Challenge

As promised, here’s the great evolution video by Aron Ra.

I would love to hear a creationist’s take on this, so comment away.

(Via Pharyngula)


  1. I find the genetic evidence stunning.  For example a lungfish and a coelacanth are genetically more similar to a human than to a Salmon or a Betta.  I remember a common creationist argument was that similarity of forms would imply a similar genome.  A lungfish sure doesn't look like a dog or a human or a bird but genetically it has a large number of similarities.   My favorite is how genetics confirmed the theory that whales were most closely related to ungulates (split hooved animals.)  So if whales "chewed the cud" would that make them a clean meat?

  2. The genetic evidence wasn't even covered in my origins class in the seminary and yet the evidence they provided for evolution was compelling (note: that was the opposite effect than they were going for). Since I've looked into the genetics, it's not that common ancestry is the best explanation, it's the ONLY explanation.

    Fortunately Leviticus 11 dosen't take genetics and phylogenic relationships into account, otherwise you probably would have someone trying to make an argument for eating whales.

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