What Impact will bin Laden’s Death Have?

Usama bin Laden has been killed in Pakistan and that this has been confirmed by DNA testing with his body in the hands of US forces. This is obviously good news, great news, AWESOME news! We have one less asshole religious extremist trying to kill freedom loving westerners! But, what will change as a result of it?

  • US forces in Afghanistan will keep doing the same thing they’ve been doing for almost 10 years. They will just have one less target on their list.
  • Nothing will change in Iraq.
  • We will still be bombing Libya (kind of ironic since our second war was against what is now Libya).
  • Either bin Laden’s second in command will take control of Al Qaeda or it will splinter. But these are terrorists, they will be weakened for at most a few weeks or months before they regroup even stronger.
  • If we killed bin Laden, then his sympathizers will be emboldened.
  • Obama’s approval rating will go up a few points and there will be a little less griping about our three wars, but this will last all of about three months before everybody forgets. 
In short, nothing will change. That being said, there should still be dancing in the streets!