Update on Damon Fowler’s Graduation

Despite letters from the ACLU and FFRF the school did not remove the young lady who had been tasked with leading the moment of silence who proved during rehearsal that she intended to insert an invocation.

So what happened?

She lead everybody in the Lord’s Prayer:

For a high school event, since minors are included, even a non-sectarian “ceremonial deism” style prayer is not legal. But a prayer can’t get any more Christian than the Lord’s Prayer. This is a horrible violation of the US Constitution since the school knew what she was going to do and did NOTHING to stop her.

I hope the school enjoys their law suit.

You can find more complete coverage including what Damon’s parents did at Friendly Atheist.

Update – It looks like I was wrong about it being the same student. That doesn’t change the fact that the school still didn’t prevent the actions and allowed her to go on for quite some time. They could have turned off her microphone at the least.


  1. Actually it was two different girls that did on each day but I think they are friends anyway.

  2. Fowlers family should be ashamed of themselves. Even on the basis of patriotism and pride in the history of the country, any objective person can look at the Federalist Papers and other documentation fo the period and see, like Damon, the founding fathers had the same problems with bombastic religious zealots.

    Damon has guts. If the family had half as much courage and spunk, they'd be proud of their son. Damn fools deserve what they get.

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