Stewart vs. Barton

On May 4, John Stewart had David Barton on The Daily Show as his guest. This is the “historian” who’s lectures thinks everyone should be forced to watch at gun point. If you watch the full episode, Stewart is noticeably frustrated and exhausted by the pointless attempt to reason with a man who is such a revisionist that he will claim that Article 11 of the Treaty of Tripoli supports the idea that the US was founded on Christianity when that’s the opposite of what it says.

Barton also claims that the FFRF lawsuit against the National Day of Prayer was an attempt to prevent people from praying when all it really is is an attempt to get the government to stay out of the business of telling people to pray. There’s a big difference there, but if you’re if you’re a religious right revisionistic dominionist, then any attempt to keep the government out of religion is an affront on free expression.

If you can handle it, go ahead and watch all three parts of the extended interview, it’s long enough that they didn’t even include the on air interview… If you end up yelling at your computer, don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Hement Mehta also had a pretty good rant about this on Friendly Atheist.