More About the Comment System

I’ve fixed the bug I created with the initial DISQUS setup up, but everything appears to be working. I have turned off moderation and hope to never have to turn it on again. If the new spam detection methods fail to intercept spam then I may require you to login to post a comment. If Mabus still get’s through that then I may have to go to a partially moderated system where I can “white list” people have have proven to not be Mabus or Mabus clones.

Here’s a few of the new features:

  • You can log in using your DISQUS, Google, Facebook, Twitter, or Yahoo account.
  • You can use the “Follow by email” link to follow comments, however, for this to work you may need to log into DISQUS using your account of choice, create a profile, and verify your email. If you do this you will be notified of any additional comments and be able to reply to them by email.
  • If you like somebody’s comment you can “like” it.
  • DISQUS tracks comments and mentions. A mention is when someone on twitter, another blog, or elsewhere on the internet write about the post. You will be able to find the mentions below the comments. Unfortunately they also track my tweets about new blog posts, so if you see mentions from @dwnomad that start with “New blog post, just ignore it.
  • Speaking of Twitter, you can always follow me, unless, of course, you already are.
  • There are plenty of other features, so comment away and explore them.
Additionally the Comment Policy has been updated.