Happy Atheist Day!

I’ve seen this (or a similar) bumper sticker a few times on somebody’s car in the customer parking lot at work. I’ve almost snapped a picture of it, since all the other crap on there makes it quite hilarious/infuriating. Next time I see it, I will for sure (of course I’ll obscure the license plate using some fancy GIMP editing).

Seriously?!? The reason driven people are the fools?

There are two ways we can handle this. One is to call bull shit about who the real fool is. The other is to embrace it. After all, Christians are trying to give atheists our own non-holiday!

In celebration I officiated a wedding (yes I am an ordained minister of the Universal Life Church) for a pair of godless heathens this morning, it wasn’t actually because it’s Atheist Day, but they did want to get married on April Fools Day. It’s no joke, it was an actual legal wedding of a couple who were hoping to wait until all groups had equal rights to marry the people they love. Unfortunately, they needed some of the legal benefits of marriage, and Idaho is not a common law state,  even though they have been together for 5 or 6 years (depending on which you ask) and engaged for almost 4 years. So they picked April Fools Day for the happy occasion.

So this morning at a park in Boise, Dan and Charlene entered into unholy matrimony. It was a very simple service with the more elaborate one (with the reception) coming in a month or two.

I wish the happy couple a mutually satisfying union that lasts as long as its mutually beneficial.

To the rest of you, Happy Atheist Day!

(Bumper Sticker credit)