Atheists – Stand Up For Yourselves! Christians – Could You Help Us Out?

Last week H. Con. Res 13 passed the House Judiciary Committee. For those who haven’t been following along, this is the bill that reaffirms the national motto, “In God We Trust,” and encourages its disply in all public buildings, including schools.

If a Christian or Muslim were to say, “I trust in God.” That would very clearly be seen as a statement of faith. How is “In God we trust” any different?

Our motto is nothing short of a statement of faith made by the US GOVERNMENT. This is a clear violation of the establishment clause of the First Amendment to the US Constition.

Atheists, agnostics, freethinkers, non-belivers, and all other varieties of the “nones”, we make up 15% of the US population. If each and everyone of us were speak up and voice our opionions to our representatives in Washington we would be noticed!

Christians, reflect on the Golden Rule for a moment. Think about how your atheists neighbors are made to feel when we see that motto every time we pull a dollar bill out of our walets. Think about how we would be made to feel if that was posted in every post office, court house, DMV, and in our children’s schools. I am asking you to stand up for us. Try to enourage you representatives to show us some compassion, unless of course that is only reserved for other Christians.

If you haven’t written your congressman yet, please do so now.


  1. I always try to line out the motto on all my bills using a wide black marker. I think we should all do this. It would be great to start getting change back with the "lines already drawn"

  2. I always try to line out the motto on all my bills using a wide black marker. I think we should all do this. It would be great to start getting change back with the "lines already drawn"

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