When Does Religious Liberty Cross the Line?

Let’s start with this video about Halal in Britain:

(Via Atheist Media)

Now how about Halal in the USA:

Halal is the Muslim dietary standard and Kosher is the Jewish dietary standard. The two religions agree on not eating pork, how to slaughter animals, and how to treat baby boys, but that’s about it.

They hang the beast by its hind legs, take a non-serrated blade, and slit it’s throat being very careful to leave the spine intact, all while the animal is conscious. They then let the animal bleed to death and choke on its own blood while it does so.

Most people want as little suffering as possible going into their burger. Jews and Muslims, on the other hand, are still stuck in barbaric iron age methods of slaughter, methods that ensure maximum suffering. Of course this shouldn’t be surprising considering they’re also still rather fond of the barbaric iron age practice of of taking knives to the genitals of their baby boys.

When does religious liberty cross the line? We would all agree that a religious rite requiring human sacrifice or raping children would not be permissible under the guise of religious liberty. Westerners would also agree that female genital mutilation is not permissible either, but why should mutilating the genitals of boys be any different?

Why should animal cruelty laws be suspended for Kosher and Halal slaughter? If they can’t do it humanely, then they can be vegetarians.