Is faith reasonable? To answer this we must first look at the definitions of the words. For faith, let’s turn to the Bible, for reason, we’ll turn to the dictionary. […]

Check out my interview on Chariots of Iron. Please note that it is a podcast meant for Atheists so the content is geared as such, it includes explicit language, and […]

Since most atheists (myself included) appeal to science as the primary source of knowledge of the world around us, I should acknowledge one inherent flaw in the scientific method: there […]

My focus here is only on coming out as an atheist since that’s what I have experience with. However, pieces of this may be helpful for those who need to […]

I am really enjoying getting back to blogging, to be able to put my thoughts in writing then tweak, revise, refine, polish, then finally post them, it’ great. I should […]