The Persecuted Super Majority

I was going to rant about some Church/State separation issues, but Hemant over at FriendlyAtheist has already done a good job with these.

Fort Worth Transit Authority

Hawaii State Senate

Christians have quite the persecution complex. Heck, even the Pope recently claimed that Christians are the most persecuted religious group. This is despite the fact that Christians make up a full third of the world’s population and overwhelming majorities in many countries, including the US at 76%.

Since I’m an American and so are most of my readers, let’s focus on the US. Who the hell is persecuting Christians in America? I have a hard time believing that minorities are persecuting a super majority in a democracy. This is a joke. I know Christianity pretty well, so yeah, I know that the New Testament tells Christians that they are being persecuted, but that was written by people who were part of a small, religious minority being persecuted by a super majority. Sadly, Christians want to be persecuted, so any resistance or organized dissent is viewed as a persecution.

I don’t give a shit what people believe (OK, I actually do care and I want people to experience the same freedom and peace that I have found). I also don’t give a shit if people get offended (not always true, I try not to offend people at work or family gatherings). It doesn’t matter (most of the time). But why the hell do Christians (of course not all of them) need to force their prayers into public forums and react with harassment, intimidation, or violence if somebody disagrees?

Christians with a persecution complex should move someplace where they are a hated minority. Then they can know real persecution.