How Far is Too Far?

I’m working on the last two posts in the “Guide to Losing Your Faith.” The one on sex is just about finished, but I’m wondering how much detail is simply too much.

Yes, I am soliciting comments here. Are relevant anecdotes something I should share?

This will be posted Sunday, so don’t waste too much time in replying.


  1. Whatever you're comfortable with. I got cold feet on mine, but I've reserved the right to change my mind and go back and do a part 2.

  2. As far as I am concerned as long as there are no video clips it's all OK with me. Seriously though, for the sake of your career and future relationships you need to be careful. Don't post anything that someone in the future could use against you. Also, don't post anything that will make your mom cry.

    If you want to use anecdotes you may want to use "friends" as examples instead of yourself (even if that "friend" is you.) That way you can still make your point but you don't have to give away too much about your personal life.

    As far as the level of detail goes, this is not a blog for kids; it's a blog for adults who are sharing their ideas on science, religion, morals, culture, and philosophy. If you are using a sexual example to make a relevant point I think it is appropriate. Just so long as your examples are not intended to be overly dirty or bragging I think it is OK.

    I am excited to read your new post. Sex is the one topic where my moral compass has been spinning since I lost my faith.


  3. I agree with BP. I think your readers can handle whatever you talk about with regards to sex. Anyone leaving Adventism will find that at some point it's something that they need to think about so I think that leaving that out would actually be glossing over something pretty important.

    Just found your blog last week. I'm finding it great for helping me procrastinate on studying for my finals. 😉


  4. Vera- Bloggers always have the right for a part 2.

    BP – It seems hard to brag about performance issues, but I think I'll edit a few lines with that in mind. I am definitely being careful to not create future issues, and am posting several parental advisories, in this case with my own parentals in mind.

    Ashton – So you're the one who was working through the archives last night. I'm glad you found the blog, but stop procrastinating and get back to work.

  5. Vera- Bloggers always have the right for a part 2.

    BP – It seems hard to brag about performance issues, but I think I'll edit a few lines with that in mind. I am definitely being careful to not create future issues, and am posting several parental advisories, in this case with my own parentals in mind.

    Ashton – So you're the one who was working through the archives last night. I'm glad you found the blog, but stop procrastinating and get back to work.

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