Book Contest

Last week I received an email from Derek Murphy asking for help promoting his book. I’ll be reviewing his book in exchange for some cross promotion, my review will be posted on his site and here. Some of you might be interested in the contest he is doing in preparation for his book launch.

“Harry Potter, Christ Figure?” $500 Writing Contest

Historical savior or fictional character Who do YOU think Jesus was?Win $500 for your opinion!
To promote the launch of Derek Murphy’s new book Jesus Potter, Harry Christ, and to generate online buzz and support, Holy Blasphemy is sponsoring a $500 writing contest! All you have to do is post a review of the book (500 words or less) on before February 1st.
Reviewers will download a pre-release version of the eBook for free and post a short review, testimonial or comment on during the contest dates. The winner will be chosen according to Amazon’s online customer feedback system – “Was this review helpful to you? Yes/No”.

 For more, including contest rules, visit the contest site.