I Have a Secret…

I have a secret I need to confess. I’ve had to do a lot of soul searching for this blog. I can no longer call myself an atheist, well more accurately I can’t call myself an agnostic. That’s right, that seminary education has paid off, enlightenment has come. I am a Gnostic. The secret is the secret knowledge I found deep within myself.

Yeah right…that would make as much sense as reverting to Christianity. Fat chance of that happening. Once you see the light and taste the freedom there is no going back. I have to say, the Gnostics did have one thing right, God as described in the Old Testament is one evil bastard.

100th episodes for TV shows always suck. 100th birthdays aren’t much better, especially for the unfortunate person who much like those vegetables in my fridge smell a little funny and are well past the expiration date.

This is my 100th blog post, so to spice things up, something those damn vegetables were supposed to do (they’re Jalapeno peppers), it’s going live as I speed down Interstate 84 through the snowy Blue Mountains of Oregon. Don’t worry I’m not typing on my Droid2 as I drive, I scheduled it last night.