Happy Thanksgiving!

I have a lot of things to be thankful for:

Thank you Founding Fathers for attempting to set up a country founded on the separation of church and state.

Thank you solders of our great nation, such as my brother Brian and my cousin Jared, who put their lives on the line to keep us free.

Thank you Chuck and Marlo for hosting a family gathering last weekend so that we could all spend time together.

Thank you hosts of the two places I’m going for Thanksgiving Dinner today, so I don’t have to spend the day alone drinking beer.

Thank you bosses for the fact that I still have a job.

Thank you professors, theologians, and biblical authors for giving me the fuel for the doubting process so that I am free of religion.

Thank you members of West Valley Freethinkers and Cosmos Coffee Club for welcoming me in.

Thank you for reading my blog, thus giving me a place to speak my mind.

I am thankful that for all the things that I am thankful for that I can give credit where credit is due, not to some imaginary causer.

Happy Thanksgiving!