My Videos from Yellowstone and Grand Teton

Since I’m getting this posted on Saturday we’ll be skipping this week’s satire. During my trip to Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks earlier this week I took some videos. This is the second time I’ve done any video editing and the first time on Linux (Ubuntu 10.10 using PiTiVi) so it was an interesting process, especially considering how many options I had for encoding. What is cool was that I was able to take all of the video using my Droid 2. I seriously love my phone.

For my readers that have never met me face to face, or haven’t seen me in a long time, this will be a chance to hear my voice and see my face. For another chance to listen to me, I’m being interviewed on Chariots of Iron again, we’ll actually be starting in about 12 hours and I’ll post a link in a few weeks when the episode is released.

Yellowstone National Park

Grand Teton National Park


  1. Dustin, too bad about the Teton weather. That was interesting about the Teton fault. I always though gawd created the Tetons on the 3rd day:)

    Yellowstone is Yellowstone. I have been there twice and hope to visit it again next year. Always a fascinating place to visit.

  2. Dustin, too bad about the Teton weather. That was interesting about the Teton fault. I always though gawd created the Tetons on the 3rd day:)

    Yellowstone is Yellowstone. I have been there twice and hope to visit it again next year. Always a fascinating place to visit.

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