Angry Atheists? Yeah, this made me angry…

Hate speach? This guy has got to be kidding me unless he came across a blog saying that all Catholics should die. While he didn’t use any profanities I would say that his comments about atheists are just as hateful as any that atheists might have made about his proposal. Hold on, his statements are completely unjustified from any rational point of view, while any atheist Catholic bashing is based on centuries of horrific bloodshed in the name of the Catholic Church or the child sexual abuse syndicate led by the “Holy Father” Benedict XVI, which currently would put the Catholic Church in the #1 position of organized crime.

Enslaved by evil? No, we’re freed by reason while you’re a slave to dogma.

“Emotional and psychological exhaustion”? I know a few of my relatives might agree with him, but the exhaustion left just as soon as I left Christianity.

What the hell does this guy know about what I know deep down? Obviously nothing more than the lies spread by the priesthood.

Oh, who doesn’t love false dichotomies. This guy is full of….

But oh, just imagine a Catholic monarchy. Heresies such as Protestantism and atheism could be snuffed out by burning people at the stake. Gays could be shoved back into the closet. Birth control could be forced off the markets and abortion banned, resulting in sky rocketing rates of unplanned pregnancies and STDs. Family sizes would go through the roof which would create tremendous financial strain bringing everybody down into poverty.

Well, I’m done venting, but of course I did hold back a bit. Now I’m going to smoke a cigar.

(Video via Pharyngula)