A Shining Example of the Tea Party, Part 2

So, Christine O’Donnell’s campaign is challenging people to find the separation of church and state in the Consititon. Here’s a quote from the press release about the challenge:

O’Donnell called Coons on the carpet, correctly exposing Coons’ mis-statements about the First Amendment.  Coons claimed that the phrase “separation of church and state” is found in the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.  It is not.   O’Donnell took Coons to school inside the law school.
When challenged by O’Donnell, Coons then changed his “story” several times, offering several different versions of the First Amendment.

In the end, Coons offered yet another mangled mis-statement of the First Amendment, to which O’Donnell challenged laughingly “That’s in the First Amendment?”  NONE of Coons’ changing versions were an accurate statement of the First Amendment.   The final statement Coons offered is not in the First Amendment, to which O’Donnell asked “That’s in the First Amendment?”

While I hate to be standing up to support a Democrat, I do have to say that Coons offered a great paraphrase of it. To quote the relevant portion of the First Amendment:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…

Prohibiting the establishment of religion is the guarantee of separation of church and state. If anybody doesn’t understand this, this I suggest that you check out Thomas Jefferson’s letters about the First Amendment or Article 11 of the Treaty of Tripoli, or refer back to my previous post on the secular founding of the United States of America.

O’Donnell is a complete nut job and a shining star of the Tea Party. I am glad that she is falling way behind in the polls. It is my hope that the Tea Party candidates fail in next week’s election and that the Tea Party splits off from the GOP, if that happens I might return to the Republican Party.

(Via Blag Hag and Political Correction)